A Fusion of Technology and
Roboactor has personality! Your robot is highly intelligent that can perform many amazing tasks. Roboactor can walk, kick, pick up and throw things, as well as dance, burp play karate and whistle...
* Roboactor is packed with an awesome number of features made possible by advanced technologies.
* Fluid motions and gestures: fast dynamic 2-speed walking and turning; full-function arms with two types of grippers.
* 67 pre-programmed functions: pick-up, throw, kick, dance, kung-fu, fart, belch, rap and more; 3 demonstration modes.
* Fully programmable by remote control: Up to 84 program steps with 4 program modes for advanced operations; programmable “reflexes” to sound and touch stimuli.
What are the 67 Roboactor functions?
1) Right Arm Up
2) Right Arm Down
3. Right Arm In
4. Right Arm Out
5. Tilt Body Right
6. Left Arm Up
7. Left Arm Down
8. Left Arm In
9. Left Arm Out
10. Tilt Body Right
11) Turn Right
12) Walk Forward
13) STOP Button
14) Turn Left
15) Walk Backward
16) (R>) Right Sensor Program
17) (S>) Sonic Program
18) (L>) Left Sensor Program
19) (R>) Right Sensor Program
20) (P) Master Command Program
21) (SELECT) Advance to GREEN Keys
22) Right Hand Thump
23) Left Hand Pickup
24) Lean Backward
25) Right Hand Throw
26) Sleep
27) Left Hand Thump
28) Left Hand Pickup
29) Lean Forward
30) Left Hand Throw
31) Listen
32) Forward Step
33) Right Turn Step
34) Backward Step
35) Right Sensor Program Execute
36) Master Command Program Execute
37) Wake Up
38) Reset
39) Left Turn Step
40) (SELECT) Advance to ORANGE Keys
41) Left Sensor Program Execute
42) Sonic Sensor Program Execute
43) Right Hand Sweep
44) High 5
45) Right Hand Strike 1
46) Burp
47) Right Hand Strike 2
48) Left Hand Sweep
49) Talk Back
50) Left Hand Strike 1
51) Whistle
52) Left Hand Strike 2
53) Bulldozer
54) Right Hand Strike 3
55) Oops!
56) Demo1
57) All Demo
58) Power Off
59) Roar
60) Left Hand Strike 3
61) (Select) Return to RED Command Functions
62) Demo2
63) Dance Demo
64) <, < Combination "Right Walk Turn"
65) >, > Combination "Left Walk Turn"
66) Forward, Forward Combination "Slow Walk Forward"
67) Backward, Backward Combination "Slow Walk Backward"
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